May 2022 saw the release of Crimson Creatures‘ debut EP, imaginatively titled Crimson Creatures. It was almost 6 months after I was invited to join the band. It is available on the Crimson Creatures Bandcamp page, as well as all the usual audio streaming services.

No, it hadn’t taken 6 months to write 3 songs! We had finished 12 songs, most of which had been started before I joined the band. Once I’d helped arrange, record and mix the tracks, we had an hour of material to draw from. So we chose 3 songs which spanned the repertoire:
- Alone, a downtempo Prog ballad about lonely artists.
- Shaken, an angry angst-ridden story of rejection.
- Triptych, a confused psychedelic journey into oblivion, in 3 parts.
The idea was to provide a hint of things to come, as the other 9 songs are lined up and ready to go in the summer, as the Crimson Creatures debut album, which will be called In the Green Wood. Out in July!