
Limbering Up for Recording

During lockdown, I traded in my old effects box for a Helix LT amp/effects modeller, from PMT in Salford. As I got to grips with it, I played a couple of well known song parts with the Looper, and I found myself creating new riffs on the guitar.

Ready to record again - Orion Pro and Adam A7X monitors

Recording with a phone, the quality is only good enough to share with friends. So, I gathered together my old music software and gear, and acquired a pair of studio monitors in anticipation of my first writing and recording for 15 years.

Once it was all set up, I had to check that I could still work the software. So I recorded a short riff and melody I’d knocked up. It came back to me after a while, and I was pleased with the result, although it was only a short piece of unfinished music.

After showing some friends what I’d done, two of them sent a couple of pieces of unfinished music. Firstly, I was asked to add guitar to a jazzy bass backing track. I went full-Santana over it. Then, I was sent a short free-played acoustic guitar piece, with no brief. I was a bit more ambitious with this, adding full multi-tracked backing.

Most recently, I started a collaboration with an old bandmate from my Liverpool days — an anthology of an imaginary band — starting with a punk debut EP.

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